Mexico Travel Guides

First Impressions of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

To be honest, I wasn’t sure that I would come to San Miguel. Even though I’d only heard wonderful things about the town, I wasn’t confident in arriving alone. I’ve flown to Mexico by myself before, but that was for a yoga retreat in a touristic beach town where all was arranged for me from the airport. This time, I’d arrive in Mexico City, exit the airport alone, find the local bus service and ride solo with all of my possessions for 4 hours to a distant destination in the mountains, all while attempting to blend in despite using very rusty Spanish.

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Nomadic Living

One Month into Nomad Life with GlobeKick

Stepping right into a curated community with an experience that flows in a well orchestrated way has made living abroad feel easy – a feeling I don’t know that many expats would describe in their first months abroad. I’m one month into life as a nomad and while I left San Francisco alone, I have been anything but alone this first month in Europe. I’ve been participating in a remote working program called GlobeKick. Twenty of us met in Lisbon to live, work and travel together for 3 months, Portugal being the first home base, then Spain and Morocco will follow. GlobeKick sets us up with accommodation, coworking space and many more resources along the way, while we provide our own jobs.

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Life Lessons

Travel Doesn’t Require Bravery

Many people have complimented my bravery to venture out into the world, away from everything I know, into the unknown, with no set plan ahead. The first time someone described me as brave, I was shocked to hear it. And then I kept hearing it – I heard it from strangers and friends and even family. I expected to hear it from the people who didn’t know me at all, who led different lives, who didn’t travel much or understand the draw. But to hear it from the people who know me best, who are like-minded, who also have the occasional travel bug, was something I didn’t expect.

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